The all-purpose hook is great for tying fishing rigs with cold fingers or twisting steel wire for toothy fish
I love my climber and equipped it with plus scales. Its definitely in my top three edc along with my rambler and compact.
I personally love the Climber. It's dang near perfect. It probably would be if the small blade was a nail file instead.
Nice review and nice to have such a sentimental piece. I've carried SAKs for almost 45 years. They were the original ' multitool'. I prefer the phillip driver over the corkscrew and carried a Super Tinker for years. Now I give SAKs to my grandkids as gifts occasionally in hopes they'll come to appreciate the simplified satisfaction of always having the ability to handle life's little surprises. Great video Slippy
It’s funny that you call that an older piece. I call it modern and new. Better get a mini screwdriver for the corkscrew.
That's got to be a vert sentimental one for you. Nothing quite like a knife from family member to cherish in that way. A very cool SAK for sure. Thanks, Slippy.
Thanks for sharing about your first SAK, very nice story and lovely gift from father to son. ☺ I agree with you about the scissors, they are the #1 tool that gets used on my Super Tinker, 2nd would be the small blade as a good package opener and general utility blade. It's a shame I didn't know you needed a replacement keyring for it, before I sent my latest stickers over to you; I could've tossed a few in the envelope since I have a bunch laying around. Anyway, take care my friend and Cheers!
Still in good condition after 12 years and lot of use. Proofs it's a good choice to have some SAK's. Thanks Matt.
I love a knife with a "history!" You just can't beat an SAK for useful longevity. I have a Victorinox Camper that I purchased in an open-air market in Saudi Arabia in 1962 or 63, for 7 rials - about $1.50. (My dad worked for an oil company. He bought the same knife at the same time, and I still have his as well!) I was about 7 years old, and it was my 2nd pocketknife. It has plenty of scratches and scars but is still in perfect working condition, and I still carry it sometimes. The memories associated with that knife are wonderful! (I also still have my 1st pocketknife, a little 2-bladed jack knife that I bought for maybe a dollar a year earlier from another kid in my Minnestoa neighborhood, but it's not usable anymore.)
Hi Mat, love what you doing with the channel and knife community.
Love SAK’s, been carrying one almost daily for 35 years, often with a “main blade” slip joint. Really nice to still have you first knife. I still have one of my first SAK’s. I got a “recruit” & a “huntsman” at the same time (from a local old fashioned hardware shop, sadly now long gone) unfortunately I managed to loose the recruit about 20 years ago but still have the huntsman. All the best Sean
Thank you for showing your first knife! My first was also a Victorinox, the Swiss Army huntsman. Sadly I lost that knife years ago
The Climber was the first SAK I purchased for myself. Even though I have many in my collection without them, I think a proper SAK should have scissors. They are so useful! So that knife had the pin hole but no pen? EDIT: Funny, in America your father or grandfather gets you your first knife when you're around 10 years old.
Your knife has held up well the scales still look new, I have a silver tech Huntsman new in the box it’s
good to know how durable those scales are. Maybe you should get blue scale tools to match your
Awesome that you still have it, I haven't picked up a climber yet but looks like a really solid tool. Thanks for sharing!
That's awesome to still have that blade, and still in great working order I have none from my younger years. Thanks for sharing
I went to my sewing kit and snagged one of those needles with ball at end fit perfect thanks for sharing man wish i still had my knives from my dad . Wicked.
Love that you still have the first knife gifted to you from your dad. And what a great knife to start off with!
Slippy you can't go wrong with a sak your dad was wise I owned many models myself I has my granpa 1970s sak it's mire orange colour than red its worn out but can't put value on sentiment he worked in morgue and monument masons always whiped it out for any tasks my model I carry has walnut scales on and exellent saw I use mine fir carving irish shillaglahs fighting sticks and spoon carving you can buy online replacement scales for your knife too as well as replacement tweezers I recommend highly you get the small screwdriver fits in corkscrew its great for tightening glasses screws makes using small blade comfortable too I believe timpsons key cutting guys will have split rings for your knife for 10 or 20p
Nice great looking knife! Always very handy! Love those covers!
Nice ! I've carried my 80mm Tinker for sixteen years and it's till going strong. I've got other knives which I carry now and again. But even then I've still got the Tinker in a pocket as well.
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I have an older model but the awl does have an eyelet, so I can only assume my model is a couple of years older than yours?
Thank you for a detailed comparison of my favorite model! One detail left out on the scissors is that in the newer ones, the spring rides in a "keyway" with a stamped cam on a thinner spring, while the earlier ones ride against the handle, without the keyway with a wider, flat spring. Mind you, the older style spring works the same in the newer style scissors. Again, thank you for the video!
Thanks so much for this. I got a Climber when I was a kid and it got confiscated by TSA a few years ago. I finally got around to replacing it and couldn't figure out why I couldn't remember having a parcel hook. It turns out I didn't! Also, the back feels different when I run my thumb over it; now I know it's because of that center filler section. You cleared it all up for me!
What about taking some rockwell files and comparing the blad hardness
Thank you for the comparison. It was very informative. A quick note: I have the older style except my awl is the newer style with the eye hole. Probably a later version of the older model (maybe '85/'86)
Eu não sei o que é mais incrível: se a similitude entre um canivete de 30 anos atrás e um atual (eu nunca vi uma marca ser tão perfeccionista e conservadora como esta) ou o fato do autor do vídeo notar tantas diferenças.
Victorinox é genial.
Excellent comparison and really cool between the new and old Victorinox climbers (Climber 14), it was really cool to see how they changed over the years, I have one from the 1976-86 years like the one shown in the video. Congratulations and best wishes.
had a couple of Climbers at arms reach - one of them seems to have the older style blade and there's no pin hole, but everything else is the newer style. I wonder if that would mean it may produced somewhere around late 1986 - early 1987?
I have no idea of how old it is, having aquired it used a long time ago.
Just an observation- the newer model screwdriver/cap lifter has a 90 degree stop while this feature is absent on the older model
I use New Climber from 6+ years
Great to see the improvements between generations of the same knife. And potential cost-saving with the scissors.
Makes you wonder what changes we will likely see when they release a newer version!
Great video TK
I like them both but my favorite is the Tinker. Looking forward to the 19th’s show.
Thanks for sharing about this very cool side-by-side comparison of old and new Victorinox Climbers, it was really neat to see how they've changed over the years. Congrats on 5k subs, btw. You're wicked awesome buddy! Take care and Cheers!
Love me a nice SAK
Fantastic comparison John! Amazing how many differences there are when the knives are next to each other!
This was a really neat comparison! Nice one, buddy!
Ya thrifty my dads has a pen in his knife scales not a pin a pen it still writes too,
How do you find out what years it’s from I’ve got my dads old Victorinox I got when he passed years ago. It’s funny because my father use to sharpen his Victorinox with a bench belt sander and the main blade is literally has half the blade from years of sharpening I was thinking about having it changed but it wouldn’t be my dads. Thank You for another awesome very helpful informative and just real fun to watch lol lol you talk about the tang stamps lol I always post comments while I’m watching but always learn more as I watch the video lol thank you
Tremendous engineers. Impossibly impressive!
Climber rules along with the Pioneer X! I will get a Compact for rotation though for kicks:)
Noszę Climber. A zamiast wydać na Compact wolę wydać pieniądze na Waiter +Rambler.
It would be awesome if instead of the small knife, if this had the Sportsman file. If the Compact opener was thicker, I would definitely say the Compact. My favorite Victorinox right now, but I have Jade G10 scales on it, is the newer Companion. It has the nail file and a package opener instead of the can opener. Everything else is the same as the Climber. I think that's a better set of tools, but I wish it wasn't so expensive. I paid $50 for the Companion and that was on sale and I hated the scales, so I ordered some right away, once I tried the tools out. The Climber is a good toolset and I carried it and the Super Tinker throughout the years. I think that's why the Companion is now my favorite toolset. The package opener can still work on phillips as well. I haven't bent my Compact but it was bending on a screw that I was snugging up. I ended up needing to grab my Leatherman to tighten it up. My Climber, Super Tinker, Companion, or any other classic opener layer or Explorer phillips would have tighten the screw. That's why I choose to stop carrying the Compact. I wanted to look to see other opinions and you basically feel the same as me. The Compact is such a awesome size and the toolset would be awesome, if the opener was a little thicker. I thought mine was going to permanently bend or break, when I was tightening a smaller Number 2 phillips. I think it's a 1 or 2 inch phillips. It just hold on some siding. I love how the Compact disappears in my pocket, which is why this sucks. I wanted to like it.
I like the "Super Tinker" (a climber with a Phillips driver in place of a corkscrew ) because I encounter more Phillips screws than wine corks. Either knife is probably the lightest medium Vic with the all important scissors.
If you're looking to make a small EDC pocket tool kit, then you can't go wrong with the Climber. Get yourself a small wallet/organizer (such as a Chums wallet) and you could also pack in the 1/4 inch drive 1/4 inch socket, a t-shank saw blade, a bit kit and some small pliers.
I cant go without the saw for some reason, thats why i went with the huntsman, bought plus scales so i have a pen on me, its now the perfect combination of outdoors and urban pocket knife hahaa
I take the Climber over the Compact for EDC any day. Don't really carry any SAK without the full opening layer in fact.
Just got my first swiss army knife ever i went with the white climber but mine has all the components but not the pen or the metal stick in the hole under the wine opener over all i love it great review bud
The Climber is my tool of choice, but I'm tempted by the Compact the main thing I'd like to know is how good the can opener is on the Compact. Servicable, or terrible? Because otherwise, you lose the awl (which I used to regularly add holes to my belts) and gain the useful pen. And the Compact is smaller.
I bought one but returned it. I wanted a SAK with the larger scissors but the key ring ruined it for me. Gets in the way of the hook. I could not find a way to open the hook without using another tool. I don't know why such a large knife needs a keychain ring anyway. Maybe to attach that other tool to open the hook?
Excellent review. Parcel hook proved useful for retrieving string etc stuck in tricky niche. Tinker, camper and huntsman - urban to the old country. Compact as a gift to self before long. Not cheap but what a tool set
I have a compact with modded clip to carry it. Amazing!
For EDC I just go Rambler for the size, weight, and price. Has what I need most: simple blade, bottle opener, screwdriver + and -, scissors. If I'm going somewhere and might need more, I actually go Explorer for the excellent Phillips screwdriver and that magnifying glass for small print on documents. Outdoors, definitely Huntsman.
I really wish the yellow scales like that were here in the us
An EDC that has two knife blades but no Phillips screwdriver must have been designed by an idiot.
Great SAK the scissor comes in handy.
pioneer x is as thick as the compact, has an awl and the same tools as the climber but no backtools
I carry the Climber everyday and always have a Hunter in some bag near me because that saw is freaking awesome
Not enough tools.
Awesome review. thank you. Please send me any swiss knife you're not using. thank you
I'm stuck with compact climber and the sportsman. I'm planning to carry it with me to high school, shops etc.
Great video! Thinking about picking up a Climber myself, as the first SAK for me. The Mountaineer and Huntsman are awfully tempting, however, i think it's worth losing the saw/file to make it thinner. Can always buy a second one later on. I'll have to check out your other reviews before purchasing!
I use a Huntsham as an EDC
Forgive a potentially stupid question but what are plus scales? I assume the scales refers to the red plastic parts, but what's the significance of "plus?" The Victorinox logo?
Will this SAK fit in Altoids tin ?
i like a climber, if you only can have one knife, you cant go wrong with Climber.
i have started with compact so i skipped climber and went straight for his bigger brother Mountaineer, as climber and compact are way to simillar. Gotta say, its probably the most underrated knife for urban enviroment where you dont need wood saw (menal saw can still do the same job, just slower if you really need it)
Does anyone know if there is a Swiss Army knife that is 3 layers thick that has scissors and a saw the smallest one I can find is the 4 layer huntsman
It would be my favorite if it had a file
I’ve owned a SAK Climber since my early 20s, but never carried it much. Through the years I also somehow acquired (I honestly don’t remember) a Pioneer Alox and a Classic (before the SD). Now in my late 40s I rediscovered the joy of carrying them around. I’m building up my collection, with a Compact, a Manager, a Minichamp Alox and a Handyman, but the Climber or the Compact are my choices for pocket EDC, together with one of the smaller 58mm on a keychain.
Why does the title say Climber but you start the video saying the Huntsman is your favorite?
Great video, helped me decide. I hope you realise that at the start of the video said it was a huntsman,
I encounter more Phillips screws than corked bottles of wine which is why I chose a Super Tinker
I use to have the climber but now I use the huntsman.
Why is the video captioned “The Climber” but your intro comment says it’s “The Huntsman”. And it’s clearly a Climber!
been carrying one for years, even my mom uses one
You say huntsman, but show climber. Cool man. "Ato falho".
Hi Mark:
I like your channel and just subscribed. I know this is an older video but at the beginning you referred to this SAK as a Huntsman rather than a Climber. Confusing. Probably nothing can be done about it at this point.
Wait, did I miss something? Why does the title say "Climber"?
THe video quality is right on the money, I got this piece for myself after I watch the video. Thank you