I think its high time Jimmy that you do a vid comparing the combative abilities of various lenses.
I really enjoyed learning about this nontraditional use of a macro lens. Thank you so very much.
Thanks for the review. I wanted to know the another use of this lens!
That’s given me some new ideas, any thx
Excellent for underwater use. Macro and fish both!
Very informative, I just purchased one for my EM-1. I can't wait to take coral pictures with this.
My next lens only 349 euro brand new
That is or should be Un Pimped Camera!
Great info, I’ve had one for a few years now, but are you either sponsored by Olympus, NB I have nearly all Olympus 4/3 cameras and never use the straps, as with all camera manufacturers, the straps suck.
In fact I think they are missing a trick, produce a great strap and attachments and get ahead of the market. Your bag as people have commented is stylish, so why the United pimped camera. Be Honest!
Awesome pictures and editing btw
Jimmy enjoyed your Olympus 60mm Macro lens review
Actually macro lens are designed to be sharp at very close range. So it will not be better than another portrait lens at regular portraits distance.
To be honest, never thought about this. Great review and great idea.
I regretted to buy Leica 45mm f2.8 instead of this lens. Have you compared these 2 macro lenses?
video dude. Now I’m considering to add one to my bag ;). Thanks for that good content.
I’m surprised you didn’t do any macro shooting with it but still a pretty good video
There is yet another one Zuiko Macro that is almost as sharp as this one, but also soft as a portrait lens - It is 50/2.0 for 4/3. Autofocus is very slow there, but portraits are very good.
Thanks for the review, recently purchased an OM-D E-M1 Mark II in preference to a cheaper, but heavier canon eos 80d. Already own an olympus tg-4 as a pocket camera that also does macro and was looking at macro vs telephoto, but this review seems good as would have never considered a macro lens for portrait range photography :) Will stick to the P900 for telephoto stuff :)
I own a OMD EM 10 mrk iii. Do you think that this lens combining with this camera will give me sharp pictures for portraits?
Happy New Year everyone! Apologies for the poorer audio quality than usual, accidentally messed up the recording settings. Insect macro photography is so fun. In case you want to find out about my full shooting techniques and execution, please check out this video if you have not: own this lens. I am primarily a macro photographer and I use this lens a lot. Coupled with Olympus built in focus bracketing I have been able to achieve very professional results with just the entry level OMD 10 Mark 2. I would love to get the Mark 5 but there is still plenty of life left in my mark 2 . Also the extra depth of field Micro 4/3 provides makes things a little easier too.
Hi robin really good video! I needed to know more about this lens and you just highlighted all the info that’s relevant. I will be getting it later in the year. oh can you do macro ‘video’ with this lens aswell?
Totally agree with you. I used it for my underwater macro shots with both my EM5-Mii and EPL-5 and the sharpness and focus speed is the best.
Hi Robin, I am wondering if we can pixel shift while we are using focus stacking mood, means; can I get a 80 mp final stacked photo from the camera and having the both options functioning in the same time? thank you
What about a link to that light that you are using? Also, SEO tip. add more to your youtube description and you will get more views. You deserve the views your videos are so good! You should also, IMHO, add Amazon affiliate links to anything you recommend. B&H is great but many people want to go thru amazon unfortunately.
i read the lens spec as i am planning to buy one. It does not say that it is 2:1 max magnification but 1:1. Can you please clarify. Thank you very Robin.
It's easy to see why this lens has been around unaltered for so long. Any comments about slow auto-focus will be due to insufficient lighting, because otherwise it is very fast and reliable. Focus stacking works extremely well. Today I went out for macro shots and was able to use the lens for other opportunities that presented, it is a wonderful little lens.
I had the Tamron 60mm Macro on a Nikon D7100 and now am using the Olympus 60mm Macro on a Lumix G85 and the AF is amazing. I don't think I could go back now that I've been spoiled.
Thanks for your help
Oh Robin, your review made me go and buy a 2nd hand 60mm 2.8! Got it via mail yesterday. Really enjoying the lens. Thanks for the wonderful suggestion and very practical and valuable tips.
Very good video, I've made my mind up on saving for this lens. Thank you, and incredible photographs.
Great lens fantastic vid !
do you trigger your flash remotely.
Great video, Robin. I absolutely love your enthusiasm! I've been thinking about tracking one of these down and you have convinced me.
What lamp are you using at 0:57?
Did you had a chance to try the 7artisans 60mm F2.8 Macro?
It got pretty good reviews for half the price :)
You need to get an amazon affiliate link people trust them the most and your affiliate link just goes to b&h's website and then i have to navigate and find the lense myself. loved the video and your insect shots! my wife and i are enjoying your video lol
Any that are similar but more affordable?
Hello Robin, at first thanks for yours review you are the best. I would like to ask you for an advice. I cannot make a decision between olympus 60mm macro 2.8 and olympus 75mm 1.8. I'm going to use it as a telephoto prime lens for animals (most zoo) which one should be better?I'm not sure if I'll be shooting any macro. How fast is focus on the olympus 60mm f2. 8 to compare to the olympus 75mm 1.8. And how is the image quality between those two. Thank you very much
Michal Barilla
I use the metz ring flash too. Superb ring flash that works on most cameras.
Hi David, great review, it convinced me to buy the lens for my Oly. I wonder what is the ring flash you are using? Thank you.
I've had my lens for 1 week now - after 5 mins of horror shriek - I love it flowers and bees so far but it is fantastic
Thank you very much indeed for your suggestions on the possible ring flash solutions. Kind regards.
Thanks for the very informative review David, especially the trick with the mirror at the end is very useful for when I copy slides. It looks like I got my hands on one of the last copies of this lens as the major retailers in the Netherlands have it on backorder for weeks now.
Very useful indeed and very well expalined. I ask for a suggestion about a a ring flash to use with the Olympus Macro f2.8 on my Panasonic Lumix DC-G9 camera and compatible with its hot shoe contacts.
Thanks for this great review. I’m considering buying the Olympus 60mm macro lens now.
You're hilarious, man.
Seriously I could listen to your voice all day, informative, factual, open and honest, everything one needs from a review. I'm off to buy one, Thanks David!
What an insightful and in depth review! Thank you!
Which adapter do you use for Metz ring flash?The lens is 46 mm and the metz has only 52,55 e 58 adaptors
I can now hear the audio. Thanks for fixing it. Very well done and useful video as always. Thank you.
What happened to the sound?
Very informative, but the GPMG is 7.62mm not .05 :) Many thanks.
Wow, awesome video; not just from the standpoint of product eval, but mft/macro theory in general. But did I hear you say that in some circumstances you might be letter off using your legacy dslr (or in my case, old Canon slr) lens with a macro adapter? I have used my old Canon 50mm with a macro adapter, and it doesn't produce results like the 60mm Oly.
I'm sure there's a good reason, but I don't know what it is. Wouldn't it be neat to have a fast f1.8 (or better) portrait lens that can also do 1:1 macro, or vice versa? Obviously you wouldn't want too fast an aperture most of the time for macro, but a lens that does double duty would be ideal.
Personally, my 12-40mm f2.8 and 40-150mm f2.8 PRO zoom lenses do just fine for my macro needs.
Great video, really helpful and inspiring. I hope the Guggenheim contacted you!
I think this lens doesn't properly line up with the gx85 sensor. When I put this lens on. a small part of the left corner of the image is always completely black
As a G80/GX80 owner would you recommend this or the Lumix 30mm macro for insects and general nature type macro shots? The Panasonic is a bit more affordable for a first stab at macro?
Excellent review
I am wondering if we can pixel shift while we are using focus stacking mood, means; can I get a 80 mp final stacked photo from the camera and having the both options functioning in the same time? thank you
This was my Christmas gift to me.
I purchased this on Black Friday.which was on back order.
Safely in my hand now.
Thank you for the review. Pitty Olympus gave up its camera line. I am at the point to either buy an omd 5 m3 and the macrolens or choose other brand micro4. I am after a small camera with build in stabilization and handlead macro. For what i can see all other options are far more expensive and the macro lens far bigger. Anyone, any advice please? Thank you
Thank you for this review. I’ve been using macro filters but I can’t get the result I want. I’ll give it a go with these lenses.
Excellent and honest review with great footage. I understand you found the learning curve to be pretty steep. What I must have missed is WHY that is. Whats the particularly frustrating part about using this lens compared to another macro lens like the Pana 30mm you mentioned?
By far the very best review of this lens I've seen here on YouTube, no crap about the box or the lens build, you get what you pay for, but its all about the pictures and what you have to do to get them. 100% accurate review.
All photography is about patience
No problems on olympus house, so maybe you should switch to the pro photo camera. Instead of using pro video camera
This is a very good review. What about if om 75mm f/1.8 lens w/extension tubes for macro photography…… comparing with this 60mm f/2.8 macro lens ?
@blinsaff Is there another similar lenses for begginers? Im really impressed with the photos and for the price I think is a beast, what do you think?
Awesome video and great shots! This is a really good review of the macro lens. I have been using my 60mm with my EM5 mark 2 for a year now and I spend all my free time in parks or botanical gardens taking pictures. I found this to be the best combo and Olympus has truly earned a soft place in my heart because it makes one have the urge to go out and take nice, crisp photos. That is the point of an excellent lens and camera to go out and feel inspired!
Just purchased today this lens, waiting to arrive, for use with my OMD EM10 MKII. Totally new to macro photography but I like to experiment and try new things and photo types. I am also patient. Also some people say that this lens can be used for casual portrait. What do yo think ? Thanks
Great video. Thank You :)
nice review. thank you
Excellent work. Bravo
Thanks for a review. Beautifull pics. Can't wait to till mine lens arrives.
I have this 60mm lens; it is fantastic and I don't need to say anything bad about it. I noticed you seemed to be using a Panasonic GH5 camera. Perhaps you could look into any of the Olympus E-M1 series cameras, or even the E-M5 and try out the "Focus Stacking" feature. Not sure if Panasonic has this feature or not good for stills only. You are showing incredible shots and yes, Macro IS difficult work, sometimes frustratingly so! I think Marco Photography has always been that way. Much improved now regarding DOF with focus stacking
Lovely images! My add= the Olympus lens hood for the 60mm lens is a real slick, helpful accessory!
Great review