I will love it now
Please don’t buy any surface products, software has many issues, they update it regularly, whenever new updates comes the system fails in many other hardware me in last update and the keyboard and mouse stopped working.customer service is worst. Doesn’t worth the money we pay to those people
Please don’t buy any surface products, software has many issues, they update it regularly, whenever new updates comes the system fails in many other hardware me in last update and the keyboard and mouse stopped working.customer service is worst. Doesn’t worth the money we pay to those people!
Is this a laptop or a tablet plz help?
Who else just focus on the dog?
Using a surface pro 4 in 2020. Works like new.
Dont know why I still watch it in 2020. Thanks for the video
im just wondering if i can play among us on this thing
Laptop of the future? But now. Its a trash bcoz of its screen flickering.
Any poor one in 2020
Another honest review:
It have flickering and overheat MS recognized it is a hardwareware problem. It will even become worsen after a year of usage when the warranty just expired. Worse part is MS cannot do anything when the warranty expired. As a gesture, they can only offer $20.00 towards buying another one of their new garbage. Change back to Mac. I would suggest customer organized for a petition for MS to do free repair as the car manufacturer did.
How good is this with graphic design?
I’m still using this surface pro 4 in 2020. Anyone else? Lol
The damn great thing about this device is that it is cool and actually is very useful, you're getting a powerful laptop, a tablet, a good gaming machine, portability, and you don't have to spend 50 dollars for a drawing tablet or 300 for a Wacom if you're a professional.
My surface pro 4 keyboard is unresponsive sometimes as it gets detached from the hinge itself. Also, in using a trackpad, the mouse pointer goes dancing if I keep my surface pro 4 plugged in. I've tried to find several solutions but that really didn't help :(
The computer came as new>JustU.Faith/Surface_Pro?峠 I didn't have any problems. It works really fast with the m3 processor is very fluid, I do not use it for heavy jobs like video editing. I use it for browsing, Office work, notes, book reading and so on. I have found the Drawboard app especially useful.
Is it great for drawing?
Dog looks animated :p
Watch our Surface Book Review here: don’t buy any surface products, software has many issues, they update it regularly, whenever new updates comes the system fails in many other hardware me in last update and the keyboard and mouse stopped working.customer service is worst. Doesn’t worth the money we pay to those people
Microsoft surface pro 4 is shit product I have as well after using 30min my screen flickering I think Microsoft surface product is worse
Bisa di install windows 7 tidak ya. Windows-xp sekalianhahah
It’s fine if in 2020 I buy a Microsoft surface pro 4, i5 in $275. I5, 4gb, 128gb. ?
Thanks if you could answer
okay sooo. am i the only one suffering from a flickering screen in the surface pro 4
When I was a kid and obsessed over this laptop (idk why) I watched this vid everyday before school (before getting one after years of saving). Now I am really sad bc mine is outdated for what I do on it, and I have to get rid of it. Thanks for the memories.
Give my 1 plizzz ♡
*_The screen is a 3K plus for you geeks out there.>JustU.Faith/Surface_Pro?阻 It displays images sharp and detailed with wonderful vibrant colors as I've stated before._*
Straight to the point and covers a lot of aspects; I'm getting the i5/8gb tomorrow. Cheers for the great review.
still worth buying?
I need one for my work but can't afford it. :( :( :(
Can you play fortnite?
Thank you. I liked the review. I agree with blackice214 with one of the reasons I rank reviewers. Even if I didn't agree with you (which I do in this case), the point is you presented a reason for your opinion, not just mouth-flappery.
One Question: Do you have any opinions regarding touch-screen development apps? I'm brushing off some OLD skills, looking to develop some applications meant for a manufacturing floor, at machining positions.
Jodie Guys who wanna microsoft key go *Niekey . com* . Worked First Time No Issues. amazing I recommend?
I can buy it's cover xd
Just copped this thing sealed in the box for 650 bucks. :) (i5 8gb 256gb)
Excellent presentation. Quite helpful. Thank you.
miss this oprating system
Soon I’ll get to look at a Surface Pro 4 from a coworker that they barely used (Apple people). They said they were talked up a processor, but not what processor they ended up getting. Would even an i5 be worth picking up?
sorry to throw you a noob question, could the ram been upgraded?
Just purchased a Surface Pro 4, i5, 4 GB RAM, 128 GB SDD, 57 battery cycles, incl. Surface type cover, Surface pen, Surface docking station, clear PanzerGlass screen protector, sleeves for Surface and charging cable. Very little used and no scratches. All for 450€.
I would like to add that: it has 1080 video recording, something which is super useful for Zoom meetings and content making. Something quite rare in laptops, which are usually bad on webcams.
Can use this as an external screen for Windows PC?
Please can you upload a video about unclaimed baggage?
Hi I purchased a surface pro 4 i7 16gb 1tb for $400 on facebook marketplace. Enjoyed the video super interested in learn where you get unclaimed baggage equipment send me email mforge@. Thanks and look forward to more video on your channel.
I paid $580 for my SP7 I7 16Gb 256 with a broken functional screen $120 for a new screen and boom I saved about $1000 & Ive got 6 SP4's that ive flipped they're not super hard to repair if you've worked with electronics and there's a ton on ebay
I bought the SP4 i5/8/256 version on launch day. I hated it from day one and barely used it. I hate that I cant have it in my lap and work. I tried the Brydge keyboard and cracked the display. So after replacing that, I barely touched it until two weeks ago when I installed all my vehicle diagnostic software on it and started using it as a workshop tablet.
I've been using a hand-me-down, it's still a great tablet/computer and it's incredibly portable. My only problem is the battery life, but even then I usually have it plugged in.
I got my surface pro 4 for $250 usd
you have a big head or small body
Ha jokes on you I got the tablet only m3 pro 4 for 660 in 2017, no im not salty at all
it's like a fine threshold of usable and molasses pain. I also have flickergate, fun times.
got surface pro 4 i5 8gb 256gb for christmas, and it still looks like new but the type cover is a bit damage on the edge but overall, still working :)
Microsoft surface pro 4 is shit product I have as well after using 30min my screen flickering I think Microsoft surface product is worse
I wouldn't see anything wrong with using a SP4 in 2020 as I wouldn't see a big deal using the SP3 in 2020. We get so carried away about what are needs should be and forget we're basically satisfying our lust instead. Yes, I did get a SB2 and love it to death even after over 2 years of use. I still have my SP3 (sold the SP4) and the SP3 is still a darn good product even today! By the SB2 was definitely a lust buy! :D
U must have subscribers in millions according to your effortsbest of luck. Bruh
Good idea! But better buy the surface pro or pro 6. They cost just a little more if not the same and are better in many ways: newer, faster, no risk of a flickering screen, might come with warrenty, less battery wear.
My surface pro4 started to occasionally flickering after 4,5 years. You never know with the pro 4.
I got the same one today for 300 but charger and pen not included?
Steal or no?
One thing I struggle along. The graphic card does not support ultra wide dispay format. Correct me if I am wrong
Microsoft surface pro 4 is shit product I have as well after using 30min my screen flickering I think Microsoft surface product is worse
Can I purchase 4 years old surface pro 4. It's little bit screen flickering
@sturdy lol, I had 4 replacement is 3 yrs. flicker gate , heating, battery, touch screen issue, I had to disable the touch screen and what not. Barely used it, and my dell 2010 model working better than surface bought in 2015.
Currently repairing a surface pro 4. Battery started swelling up. And pushing the screen out. I got the screen off almost flawlessly. Just waiting on the new battery to arrive.
I called Microsoft and they said they don't service the pro 4 anymore, I love my surface pro and I have to get it repaired by another source it had an inflated battery : /
600th follower!
Still use a surface 3 non pro
With zero issues
mine aged really bad. USB and Keyboard don't work anymore, bluetooth just disappeard even out of devices, uefi broke and finally the right side of my touchscreen just doesn't work.
1.200,00 is just too much for that after 2 years (even got replaced 2018)
no palm rejection?
Where to get that subtle marble sticker doe All I can find online are ugly ones
SP4, pure junk
Is it better than the SP7 4gb I3 128 gb
where did you buy the screen protector from
I've searching for a long time
I assume in the event of screen failure you could always hook the tablet to a monitor or TV screen and run it like a PC youd oblivously loose portability and a touch screen but wouldnt this make a great replacement for a Raspberrypi? ( Being used for processing power) Say you wanted to build a Smarthome or SmartRoom Also id assume with a 2.0 Type B USB you could link a Pi Board up to it and use the raspberrypi for GPIO Input anyone?
If surface pro have 4gb ram with i5 6th gen. Then it will lag in adobe Photoshop and illustrator
My brother sells a Surface Pro 4 for RM8000
How it works in Adobe premiere pro bro
Is is possible to edit 1080p videos
In sur pro 4 ?
I had a big doubt
Pls clarify me whenever u free
Love how you have a 4-year old phone: very sustainable both financially and environmentally.
Is 2 yrs supposed to be a long time?
Have had this for 4 years works just like new