Spot on
Liked for the haircut.
Hello Sean, I got an adapter, but it does not seem to work on full frame, I bought it in December 2018 and your video is pretty old. It seems to work on my EOS M3 and Old Rebel, on my 6D it looks dark at the bottom. Any help?
How about reverse situation - I need to mount Canon EF to Pentax K. Is it possible?
I have pentax k 1000 mkII camera with 55 mm lens and i want to use this lens on my canon rebel sl2
Please help me to find out cheap and good adaptor
I m from india
Hi, thanks for your video. Very clear and promotes the fun to be had thrift store lens hunting too. I'm selling an ef adapted lens on ebay and wondered if you'd mind me linking your video to my current listing to provide knowledge to my buyers. I have a PK to EF mount adapter. I used it on a t2i but now I wanted to upgrade my kit to high speed af and recoup my money from my excellent Tokina PKa 60-300 lens for this project.
Guess there isn't one for canon full frame then aye
does your company make pentax adapters for nikon bodies or just canon? and also do you lose any f stops with an adapter?
Need help. I have several old lenses I used on my Pentax K1000 years Star Mc auto f=28mm 1:2.8,
Tou/Five Star Mc auto MACRO zoom 75-200mm 1:4.5, Tou/Five Star 1:8 f=500mm, Pentax-M 1:2 50mm, Tiffen 2x telephoto converter 37mm, and Gemini auto 2x tele-converter. I am looking to buy a new Pentax DSLR that I can use these lenses on. I want this for vacations & shooting outdoors. Any recommendations?
Hey! I just bought a Pk-Eos mount to adapt my smc pentax-fa 28-80mm f3.5 5.6 to a Canon 60d. It doesn't work, the camera doesn't recognize the lens.
It was this adaptor couldnt use it at all, got asked for firmware updates
Sean, I remain a little confused. Good video but doesn't address two issues. I have a Cannon Rebel T6. You sell two adapter rings, one with a "chip" in it one without. The info on the Fotodiox web site makes no mention of the T6 camera. It does say Rebel and that both will work on a "Rebel". I keep seeing people having to remove the electronic contacts from the adapter in order to correct some software issue. Why? And will I need to do that if I buy that version just to see if it works?
And you don't address the tab sicking out on the back of the Pentax lenses at all. People are cutting them off and or bending them over. Other than experimenting and taking the chance of ruining a nice camera by the mirror striking the tab, how can one determine if one needs to tamper with the tab at all? It sure would be nice to be able to put the lens back on the Pentax body and continue to use it as intended.
I bought an adapter, the first week was fine but now my camera ask for a lens firmware update eveytime I try to use the adapter, any help with that?
I have a penkax-K SMC 70-210mm
Will it fit to my Nikon d3200 please?
the k mount part that sticks out on the lens interferes with the mirror on my 5d mkii and needs to be cut off
At :30 I saw the entire lens turn when you adjusted the aperture ring . why doess this happen and how does this effect the focus? Is this a flaw in the mount connecting the lens to the camera?
Hi Sean, I am now looking to get the bests Mount Adapter, M42 Lens to Pentax K Cameras and I see that Fotodiox produce one. Recommendations on most forums state the best is to use the genuine Pentax make (as there are some very cheap versions which are not good) . Can you guarantee with hionesty that your product is as good as the genuine Pentax one?
I now have all 3 Pentax S-M-C Takuma 200mm, 85mm and 28mm prime lenses using - of course - Fotodiox lens adaptors and have managed to capture some lovely images with these lenses.
And +dvrapant is quite right - prices continue to rise - so I consider them and investment now. :-)
is that the 43mm fa limited?
what lens is that?
Thank you so much, my adapter is on the way. I already have four pentax lens!
the mounts aren't on amazon anymore can I get them anywhere else?
I can't wait for my order to get in. I'm getting the adapter
Please tell me. Does it work with pentacon 4-200 lens?
THANX ,, but can you use that lens back on a Pentax now ?
Very helpful video, thank you!
You want auto focus, you can buy an auto focus adapter for these lenses. It’s gonna cost you a few hundred bucks. But it’s an option. I prefer to add follow focus rings to some of these lenses as some (not all) are harder to pull focus.
Hi , thanx for your helpful podcasts. Can I change apperture with the camera if I use Pentax A lense. ?
I just tried my adapter on my 5d Mk II, and I think the mirror hit the aperture thing. I didn't take a picture, but it happened when I switched to the live view mode. I took off the lens and looked the mirror, it looks fine, just a little dust in it. The camera seems to worked just like it worked before. Do you think it made harm to the mirror of my 5d?
brilliant review
Bro! You are awesome! Thank you for making this video and making it easier to afford to use some decent glass! I am going to get a couple of these adapters because I have two old Tamron lenses for my Pentax P30 that I was to use with my Canon T5 and Canon 40D!
Great video, smart about the shim on the mount.
Thank you for this, you're amazing!
does flipping mirror stuck at lenses diaphragm puller? Is it neet to cut off diaphragm puller on the lens ?
I have pentax k 1000 mkII camera with 55 mm lens nd i want to use that lens on my canon rebel sl2
Please ! help me find out a good and cheap adaptor to use that lens.
I am from india
Thank you for some brilliant tips, most helpful
Thanks for the video. Especially the finer points of how to adjust the fit
I still don't understand the chip version
thank you, how to get FD adapter out of Pentax k lens?
I was getting ready to order a wirecutter to cut this aperture lever off but bending it would be so much easier. And adding that cushion to prevent the wiggle. Thanks so much!
What are your thoughts on vintage lenses
old lenses are way better in quality than new ones, 100%, and will last longer. New lenses are like iphone, overpriced for a regular quality. And at the end anyway, 99% people use photo editors for a final touch, and old lens will give more natural look, more pleasant for eye.
The note about the menu option "release shutter without lens" was worth seeing the video! I never would've figured that out! And your comment about the older lens softness and lower contrast was important to me - I think I would've tried to "fix" the photo in the editor to make it look like a modern lens! If I do that, then what's the point of shooting a vintage lens? Great video.
The lack of sharpness may be due more to the adapter rather than the lenses. It' s possible that the thickness of the adapter itself may be somewhat off in precision, thereby causing the lens to appear out of focus.
Hello, which adapters should I get, to mount the following lenses to Canon 60D? Thanks
Super Takumar 50mm 1.4-50 (Fotodiox M42-EOS V.2)
Sigma Zoom Master 35~70MM F3.5~4.5
Canon 35-70mm 3.5-4.5
Is there a trick on removing the adapter from the lens. I am afraid to damage the lens
This was shoot using the Canon EOS R at 1080p?
I love your hair. Can you do a hair tutorial.
Great video. I like the videos and photos from old lenses it has a nice vibe. I bought Vivitar Pk mount and I am desperately looking for and adapter tomy Canon 700D. I had one from amazon, unbranded but it was so crappy. Loose and just not good. But I kind find that brand which u said making Pk to Eos Ef :(
Hi Sam what an interesting video, you gave me sone great ideas ! I just wonder, how easy would it be to manually focus as i suppose pixel peeping is not working with these lenses on the canon R/RP. Same question with exposure: is there any indication about under or over exposure while looking through the viewfinder ? i'd mainly take stills. thanks a lot
Hello, thanks, is it also very shaky when taking portrait? I have never used a non stabilised camera before, I mainly take pictures not video, the lack of image stabilisation is a big deal? I have many classical lenses but not this camera, I wanna buy a Canon.
I was a big time m42 collector / shooter on my 6D. Especially with a chipped adapter and focus confirm (or even focus trapping with Magic Lantern)
Hoever on the EOS-R I’m still trying to figure out how to get focus assist to work (not peaking or magnifying, but the cool triangles)
3:24 - Wait? The ibis wont work because of the lenses? Why not?
Love vintage lenses, i use my zuiko 50 1.4 and love the character it gives!
seems funny
Right, now getting around to watch this
I also have few vintage lenses from Nikon which I tried out few months ago on my main gear and I deffo agree with you. It adds that vintage look on the footage which is not something bad tbh! Great video, looking forward for your next video
I totally relate to your excitement over vintage lenses! A friend gave me his old camera he carried in Nepal when he was in the Peace Corps back in the 1970s when he upgraded to a digital camera. I kept the camera bag in the closet for about 10 years before I realized the lenses fit on my current camera! Now that’s nearly all I use.
Love that look, I have a old GDR Lense and the look is awesome and very individal
Great Video !
Awesome Sam!
Why do you plan on using vintage lenses? What camera are you currently using right now?
Thanks for the info. Recently did a video showing off my old Canon A-1 and it got me thinking it might be fun to play around with my old lenses on my current EOS, so checking around to see what others have to say on the subject.
Can I use this adaptor with my fd 50mm 1.4 lens to my canon 5D mark 3 camera please?
How do you take it off?
Interesting. I like the your style!
Thank you for the video. I have an old kenko tele converter that i love to use. I love the look it and old lenses can give to photos, but didn't know how i could mount them.
Will this work for the canon m100 I am thinking about getting one
Here's hoping.
I have the same setup, except my 55mm lens is F1.2, which I bought way back in 1973/4 with a heap of others most of which were stolen with my prizes F1 Canon about 20 years ago. Arseholes.
I remembered the bokeh that I got wide open and wanted to reproduce that. I had a ship load of trouble with the adapter but you have just cleared that up for me Jonathon. Thanks mate .
does it matter if you get an adaptor with a piece of glass in or not ? :)
Hey! Quick question just ordered a FD lens from JP but still looking for an adapter the move you do with the adapter is smoth without de-clicking the lens? Or you had to de-click it before?
I use Canon FD glass exclusively.
I have a FD canon lens and the adapter does not seem to click in place on the lens. I don't know what the problem is.
have you tried to use an extension tube with this. I do macro pics and I would like to use some of my FD lenses
You pronounced it correctly! Not many people get it right the first time :) Nice video. Enjoy your adapter!
EOS mount? Did you mean EF mount?
I have the same camera with a 28-105 mm lens, will that work for that lens or is it necessary?