Is it possible to change the radio station and volume with the buttons?
Fuck it and fuck those who developed this player, i had this new and instal update on second day, stuck forever! i tried so many things nothing helped and $146 gone just like that :)
you forgot to turn your radio off
Do they have one without a touchscreen?
Does anyone know if there's a Cowon brand successor to the X9? As in "all music, long battery life, no "apps" or bullshit like that"? I love mine but am looking towards Hifiman as an upgrade unless this exists.
Between FLAC and 320kpbs records, I get about 60 hours of battery life out of my Cowon from 2013 @ 27-33 volume depending on the recording. This is plugged into a Fiio AMP to further make it louder as it distorts past about 32, or the "getting into it" range with electronic music.
I am content with that. I'd get the ~100 if I listened to it @ half the volume and just MP3s. 40- 60 hours is good enough. Has Cowon made a device since then with battery life akin to that for both FLAC and MP3 at volume? When I bought my X9, most other models were 12-20 hours at best. Out of the box, my X9 new lasted a whole three week trip through NE, UK (England and Scotland) and back with >15% battery life back (this being most of the time listening to music quietly) and I felt I should settle for no else besides that but I hate the proprietary charger and the jack that can break (did, I had to recable it) on you.
what sounds better, this or the M2?
Better than the fiio brand?
I just care about sound quality I have my phone for everything else and the x9 is better than iPod when it comes down to sound
How hard is it to make an MP3 player that supports micro SD and drag and drop files and has decent user interface
Sorry I bought the X9 now. I thought Cowon may have moved on from my old D2 (in terms of functional usefulness) but the X9 is crap. The UI is slow, unintuitive and buggy, the picture resolution is pretty poor, the documentation is poor (thats why I'm coming to do research on Youtube) and the website is unresponsive to support enquiries. If I could take it back, I would. The only selling point (other than it not being an Apple) is that it handles .OGG and .FLC as well as .MP3. Is there another brand that can handle those file types?
Because of the screen. I rather get a sansa clip+
Anyhow, the Cowon players still are on top when comes to audio quality and formats.
No bluetooth :(
1:34 he has lights on there shout out
yes! finally i can play "Chicken Head in the Sky!"
I agree PawlOwl, and with the ability to stream Spotify, that would be the perfect Player. all other non Music things I can do with my Smartphone.
I wish they would just make a solid, small player with huge battery life and skipped all the video and games bullshit. Unless you are doing those two things very well no one will use them anyway, like the D2. I mean, thats the only reason people buy a dedicated portable music player, for the sound, not the other crap that your smartphone can do 100x better anyway.
Very interested in this. If they could meld it all into a "x79" (pc gamers will get this joke) with a HD screen I'd be flabbergasted. I'd like to see a better screen altogether. Like the ultimate portable media player. X7's size and space, the x9's battery life and storage expansion, and lasty a UHD touch screen would make the "x79" an ipod killer. Also a market Let the geeks play with it and put some root os's on it so we can hack em. Phone calls would also be nice
Looking to buy a Cowon after being let down by Apple,are these players compatible with Macs and what player could anyone suggest?.Cheers in advance.
x7 is like wine it gets better as the years go by. nothing will top it in the next 5 years money to quality wise as the x7.
Is it possible to change the radio station and volume with the buttons?
"Качество звука устроило". Через родные убогие наушники послушал, ахахах))
Купил его сегодня почти новый за 2 т. р. Очень впечатлён, а ведь это только мп3 и простые уши. Будет петь flac через aux на Mark Levinson в Лексусе)
Есть версия и на 32 Гб видел на озоне.ру и днс.шоп стоимость 11-12 тысяч руб
Плеер отличный, у меня таких 2 было, стиснули с мотика, щас буду опять покупать, если кто продает x9 чёрный 32gb не убитый, куплю
Запоздалые обзоры потому что подешевели рвньше они доррго стоили
Благодаря обзору я и мой друг купили в 2018 году именно такие плеера. Обзор актуален!
Офигенный обзор. Автор вообще ничего о плеере не рассказал. Просто мега класс ! Ну да ладно. Чуваку дали фигню и сказали расскажи. Мозгов у него что бы рассказать нет увы.
cowon рулит,у самого с2
Еще на 8 Гб есть)
Нормальный плеер. Почти два года пользуюсь. Пережил ливень. Хорошее звучание.
Мне нраф,чо вы?)Прикольно же:)
у меня есть айпод дома просто так валяется
Я не до конца понимаю смысл необходимости данного девайса, потому как данным функционалом обладает каждый смартфон, и нет смысла носить с собой такой достаточно весомый аппарат. Если я не прав, убедите меня о пользе и необходимости данного устройства.
Плеер вроде нормальный, я б купил)
Крутой плейер)))
meizu mx4pro по качеству звука порвёт этот хлам на тысячу мелких лохмотьев
Да ну, толстый, с древним дизайном, дешевым пластиком, пиксельным экраном, кто с этим ходит?
Лучше Sony NWZ-A15 купить,он и маленький и по качеству звука превосходен
Еще один подобный обзор и я пришлю к тебе ФСБ.
Hi mate,
Could you tell me the difference in sound quality between iPhone/iPod and Cowon X9? Is the earphone incuded with Cowon X9 any better than iPone 5 earphone? Thank you.
I own an ipod touch 4th gen, and im about to get this cowon x9 cause im tired of all the itunes shit and not being able to put songs like OS files, and no flac compatibility. I think is a good idea, i owned a cowon f2 for like a year and i loved it until i lost it stupidly.
So anyways, I'm planning to buy this for my birthday as an alternative to the all-very-known ipod/ipad series and want to also have a big display (No less than 3.9") and also affordability. Do you think this is a good idea?
P.S. I don't care about the sound; I am planning to get a Nixon Trooper headphone to use with this
yeah i agree. however i dont buy stuff like this based on looks. babes yes. mp3 player no :}
Flash that we're "stuck" with? Flash is infinitely more reliable than HDD anyway. Who would actually prefer HDD?
Better than the X7?
Cowon = superb audio quality
think worth mentioning :D 110 hrs, really i got sick of mp3 players dying off on me unexpectedly it's soo disappointing on long trips or any car rides really. i like my mp3 players to be charged as long as possible, without worrying too much about forgetting to charge it.
Thanks for the review :) really well done. what about the battery life?
have this one a reset button same the j3?
I think Cowon should keep their focus ONLY on sound, because that's where they're the number 1 on the market.
Awsome review would you say its betyer then samsungs media players
Is it possible to change the radio station and volume with the buttons?
no sound ?! no mic?! is this really a review ?
Будь здоров сцуко!
Sorry I bought the X9 now. I thought Cowon may have moved on from my old D2 (in terms of functional usefulness) but the X9 is crap. The UI is slow, unintuitive and buggy, the picture resolution is pretty poor, the documentation is poor (thats why I'm coming to do research on Youtube) and the website is unresponsive to support enquiries. If I could take it back, I would. The only selling point (other than it not being an Apple) is that it handles .OGG and .FLC as well as .MP3. Is there another brand that can handle those file types?
so quiet, it's like a golf tournament!
nice review, you show all device posibilities,
Whats the other device you were taking the sd from?
Probably the most boring product review (if you can call that a review) I've seen on youtube.
pff no rising from cowon
Is it compatible with Win 7 x64bit? I've read some reviews that say its not but others say it is?